Selected Publications (by subject)
On assertion and truth
Literature review: (forthcoming) THE TRUTH ABOUT ASSERTION AND RETRACTION: a review of the empirical literature, In Alex Wiegmann (ed.), Lying, Fake News, and Bullshit. |
(forthcoming) THE DEFINITION OF ASSERTION: Commitment and Truth, Mind & Language
(2021) ASSERTION (with P. Pagin), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2021) TRUTH: the rule or the aim of assertion?, Episteme. (2021) ASSERTION: a (partly) social speech act (with M.Green), Journal of Pragmatics. (2021) SHOULD I SAY THAT? An experimental investigation of the norm of assertion (with A. Wiegmann), Cognition. (2019) THE NORM OF ASSERTION: a constitutive rule?, Inquiry. (2018) TRUTH AND ASSERTION: rules vs aims, Analysis. (2015) NORMATIVE ACCOUNTS OF ASSERTION: from Peirce to Williamson, and back again, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. |
On lying and deception
(2023) SAYING, COMMITMENT, AND THE LYING/MISLEADING DISTINCTION (with Guido Löhr), Journal of Philosophy
(2021) LYING: Knowledge or Belief?, Philosophical Studies. (2021) LYING, COMMON GROUND, AND PERFORMATIVE UTTERANCES, Erkenntnis. (2020) LYING, SPEECH ACTS, AND COMMITMENT, Synthese. (2019) IMMORAL LIES AND PARTIAL BELIEFS, Inquiry. (2018) LYING AND CERTAINTY, in J. Meibauer (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Lying. (2016) LYING BY PROMISING: a study on insincere illocutionary acts, The International Review of Pragmatics. (2014) LYING AS A SCALAR PHENOMENON: insincerity along the certainty-uncertainty continuum, in Cantarini, Abraham & Leiss (ed.) Certainty-uncertainty – and the attitudinal space in between. |
On online communication(2020) RETWEETING: ITS LINGUISTIC AND EPISTEMIC VALUE, Synthese. (blogpost) Sharing bullshit on social media, Open for Debate. |
On fiction
(forth) FICTIONS THAT DON'T TELL THE TRUTH, Philosophical Studies. (2022) FICTIONS THAT PURPORT TO TELL THE TRUTH, Philosophical Quarterly. |
Speech act theory & more(forthcoming) COUNTEREVIDENTIALS (with Laura Caponetto), Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
(2023) TOWARDS A UNIFIED THEORY OF ILLOCUTIONARY NORMATIVITY, in Caponetto and Labinaz (eds.) Sbisà on speech as Action (Palgrave Macmillan). (2023) GROUP ASSERTIONS AND GROUP LIES, in Topoi. |